Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Obsession

So we all have an obsession. The two closest to my heart are collecting recipes and, closely related, food-blogging.

Do you know what food-blogging is? There isn't a definition, really. It means that I go to this website and completely freak out about the amazing amount of recipes and click on a billion different pages and end up taking way, way, WAY too much time salivating over the different foods. Some people thing it's weird (and they tell me I need to calm down). But here's the thing, I get satisfaction out of this.

As for my recipe should see my bookmarked list. I can't even navigate it anymore.For whatever reason, I love recipes. I love cooking, I love being in the kitchen...and for the most part, I love food (with the exception of a few things). I like things to taste good. Which is why I would do everything to find the perfect recipe.

Over the last few months, I have come to realize, however, that there are just simply things I should never cook. I mean...what is the point of slaving in a hot kitchen to make a batch of...crackers? Marshmallows? Girl Scout Cookies? (yes...someone has spent the time to come up with a recipe for homemade Samoas and Thin Mints and Tagalongs - your dreams can come true year-round ladies). I mean, it's absurd right? Making CrAcKeRs?! Here's the catch...the only thing that has kept me from adventuring out and making these recipes is lack of time. Yes, I would go through the effort to buy ingredients and slave in a kitchen to make the perfect batch of Thin Mints just to say that I've done it. And then when the Girl Scouts came around...I'd buy a box or two.

What is your obsession?

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